In attaining the simplistic lifestyle, I gravitate towards concepts or ideas that help me improve my life in general. I can’t really control the atmosphere at work but I can control what type of atmosphere I have at home. I recently came across the concept of hygge (hue gah). It is a Danish word for well being in every aspect of the mind and body. If you didn’t know, Denmark is considered one of the happiest countries to live in. It is believed because many of its citizens practice hygge. Because hygge is a Danish word and method, many people assume that to experience hygge means you must live in a climate or atmosphere similar to Denmark. That is not the case. You can be anywhere in the world in any climate and enjoy the simplest things life has to offer. There are so many resources out there for getting into the hygge way of life. Below are my ways of adding hygge to our Floridian lifestyle.

Experience the outside of your home

Why stay cooped up in the house on a weekday or weekend, get outside and experience the fresh air. If you’re not motivated to go outside, try gardening. Many homes have porches or decks, which can be another living space, but outdoors. When the kids and I are outdoors, we pick fruits and vegetables to eat. They also look for caterpillars and bees. They find pleasure in doing it and it is something they will remember growing up.

Add texture to your home

I like modern styles, but I like a home that looks lived in much better. When I see baskets, wood elements, woven blankets, and elements of character, it makes me feel at home. My husband and I updated our pantry area and it was very plain before. We decided to add a bit of texture and warmth by adding a wooden shelf and baskets. Every time I pass by the pantry, it makes me feel good because it looks good.

Make plants a priority

Certain indoor plants improve the air quality of the home. Not only that, it adds life to your home. Think about the home for a minute, besides humans and pets, everything else in the house is not living. This is an easy way to bring more life into the home. You can incorporate freshly cut flowers, but I really like plants that have roots and grow over time. There are many plants out there that grow in bright, medium, or low light. Choose the best plant for you.

Have a warm drink and read a good book

Melt the stresses of life away with a good book. Enjoy it even more with tea or coffee. Reading improves your brain power and helps improve your memory. Besides reading the Bible, I make it a priority to read a book at least once a month. I don’t just read any kind of book, all of them have been positive, helpful, and fun for this current season of my life.

Light it up

Having ambient lighting in the home creates such warmth. Make it a goal today to light a candle or switch out old incandescent bulbs into dimmers. Low light as opposed to bright light helps you to relax and keep calm.

Unplug and gather

In our home, my husband and I hold a tradition of eating together at the dinner table. Not on the couch, or in the bedroom, but in our dining room. Many people don’t see the point of a dining room, for me, it is absolutely essential! The dining room is where we share stories and enjoy a good meal.

This is our way of enjoying the simple things, how will you incorporate hygge in your home?