


How to make a stair skirt

One of the last projects we had to tackle was making stair skirts. I must be honest, I was not confident we would pull this off. I am quite optimistic when it comes to many DIY projects, but we never…

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The next steps after debt freedom

Picture this scenario with me, you’ve worked 2 jobs for years, made meals and coffee at home, and cut everything from your budget that didn’t fit your lifestyle of frugality. Then the day finally came, you’re officially debt free. All…

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SSL’s 2019 Highlights

In the beginning of every year, my husband and I write down our goals. We try to make sure what we write in our “goals book” is attainable for the year. For example, the year I was pregnant with my…

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A letter to my daughters

To Milly, Melo, and Li, you are beautiful inside and out. Even if the standards of beauty change from season to season, or decade to decade, it doesn’t change who you are. If you feel that you are not adequate…

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Are we pursuing the FIRE movement

Have you ever heard of the FIRE movement? FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. It’s when people invest/save more than 50% of their income for a period of time so they can retire early. Some retire in their early…

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How to easily update a narrow closet

I must tell you, we’ve been working hard these past weeks. I’ve got to give a shout out to my hubby for being the real MVP on these home improvement projects. He’s spent nights and weekends working on this fixer-upper….

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