


Our life after debt freedom

Hey everyone! It’s been a little bit over a year since we’ve paid off the house and I wanted to you an update. So my husband and I recorded this video to give our honest opinion and thoughts about our…

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How we destroyed car loans

Please catch up with the rest of the series here and here. If you live in the country or if public transportation is unbearable, then most likely you’ll need a car. If it was practical, my way of transportation would…

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How you can save money this month

Hello there! Are you looking to save some extra money this month? Perhaps you’re trying to pay something down or build something up. Many of us are not in the season of life where we can work an extra job…

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How we destroyed student loan debt

Continuing from my recent post, our next big item was student loans. Some may say that student loans don’t need to be paid off rapidly and it is considered as a “good debt”. I don’t consider any debt to be…

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