Hey everyone, it’s time to shift gears as we enter into the month of August and begin the new school year.
I really like the month of August because it brings me to the end of summer and the beginning of my favorite season, fall. Even though I can’t technically experience a true “fall” season here in South Florida, I can enjoy the slight change in weather and the beautiful fall colors in retail spaces.
August is also a time for back to school shopping, sales, overcrowded Walmarts, and more traffic on the roads. Besides the holidays, I get a bit overwhelmed in August because it is a busy month for me with shopping for supplies, filling out school forms, and buying clothes and shoes.
In attaining peace and joy through simple living, it’s not just about sorting my exterior messes. It’s really about managing my interior emotions and stability. I would not be able to enjoy a good life if everything on the outside of my environment was nice and polished, but on the inside of me, I was just a mess.
In order for me to keep my mental stability and relax my mind, I did some things to create a calming effect on my mood and I continue to do these things so I can have a constant feeling of calm no matter what comes my way. Everybody has their own take on how to manage stress and a busy schedule, but I have found these methods to work for me. Here is a list of things I do when I start to feel overwhelmed in busier seasons of the year.
Pray and meditate

I have noticed a big difference when I wake up in the morning and start my day with prayer and reading my Bible than just rushing out of the house and doing this on the road in my car. The big difference is I already established an inner peace before I stepped out the door. So when things from the outside try to take my peace or calm away from me, I remember what I read and what was said to get me back to that inner peace. In general, it’s good for anyone to just take a pause in the mornings before the day starts even if your beliefs may be different from mines.
Surround yourself with beauty

What makes you smile? What is your eye candy, so to speak? For me, I like plants and the outdoors. In my house, I like to keep a couple of plants near my sight and have outdoor type prints in the picture frames. I like to hang out near our garden area as well. If you have an office space or cubicle, you can decorate your space with the things that make you smile. I know some colleagues of mine that place quotes all around their office space or have many pictures of their kids and/or grandkids. Surround yourself with something beautiful today especially if your environment can get hectic.
Turn up the music

I must admit, the tunes played at my house is primarily baby shark for the littlest one, but for her, it brings her calm. Some say music can be a distraction, which is great if you want to distract yourself from the busy-ness of life. The great thing about music is that it is portable. Whether you are in the car, at home, or work, you have access to music. My husband plays the guitar from time to time and he would just sit and play while we gather around and sing music from our hearts. To me, that’s the best form of music.
Draw, write, color, or paint

Is it just me or was Art class everyone’s favorite subject in school? I am not much of an artist but there is something calming about drawing an item and coloring/painting it. Somehow as adults, we strayed away from it when we should go back to it. Well, it is back! There are so many adult coloring books out there that helps people during stressful days. Journaling is not just for the teenagers, it’s for everyone. Write about your day and look back at it from time to time.
Make scents

There’s nothing like coming home to a sweet-smelling aroma. Or even a clean-smelling aroma. In the past when my mother would spend some time with us at the house, I would go to work and come back home to the fresh scent of a clean house. She would vacuum the house, dust, and clean the bathrooms for me while I was gone. Maybe after a shower, spray the bathroom with your favorite cleaner and do a light clean so you can experience some fresh scents. I also tend to light some candles or turn on the diffuser when I get home to put me in a relaxed mood.
All in all, these are some ways to get relaxed and calm in a busy environment. What are some ways that tend to get calm in the midst of a busy schedule? Please share.