It’s fascinating to me how a show can be 30 minutes or hours in length per episode but took several months to produce that one episode. The amount of manpower and materials needed is what makes the show a success. For instance, when I watch my design or home improvement shows, I think to myself, “Oh, I can do that”. But when I actually attempt it, it took me days or even weeks to finish it. And that’s for a small project. I’ve come to the conclusion that I am a beginner DIY’er and our “crew” is me and my husband with occasional little helpers. So any project that can be completed in hours or a day is my type of project.
Since our winter season is finishing up and we will be entering the rainy season, I decided to look for ways to “waterproof” and repair items that can deteriorate from the rain. These projects, which has been a long time coming, are quite simple for anyone to do with little to zero experience.
So after buying the materials (for under $10), The projects were completed in one day, though I had to wait to paint days after. The best part, you can do it all by yourself…I did. Below are 2 easy projects to help protect your home from the elements.
Project 1- Repair rotted exterior door frame

This hole has been in this wood frame for years. If I’d known how easy it was to fix, I would have done it a long time ago. I picked up DAP Plastic Wood from my local home improvement store and went right at it.

The great thing about this product is it is moldable, it works for interior and exterior applications, and it dries fast. I finished molding the wood that

Before I sanded the area, I tapped on the wood filler area to make sure it was hard as a rock. I then proceeded to lightly sand and paint. Total cost for this project $4.98 (I had leftover paint and sand paper already).
Project 2- Repair cracks on stucco walls

It’s common for concrete surfaces to experience cracks. This is true for vertical and horizontal surfaces. Something to consider though

There are many products out there that can repair cracks, but I wanted one that was a bit rough and not smooth in texture. I chose this one because our wall is stuccoed. Also, this product can be used on cracks 1/2 inch wide. It’s important to make sure the crack is clean and dry. I used a wire brush to get rid of debris on the inside.

I started off cutting the tip of the tube small so I can fill the narrow cracks deep inside the wall. Then I cut the tip wider to fill the rest of the crack as much as I could. One tube was able to fill this whole area.

After the crack was filled, I waited several days before painting because I wanted to make sure the product cured. I did this project all in one day, except for painting.

Though one can notice that the areas are patched, it’s fine. Please note that if you do these projects, it might not be seamless but it helps to preserve your home for the long run. The cost of this project $4.85.
So if you’re short on time, no worries. These projects can be completed after work easily. Oh, the beauty of homeownership! What I also want you to notice is for little cost, you can preserve your home for the long run.
I hope this post encourages you to tackle some outdoor maintenance projects soon. You got this!